Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm

What is the Dijkstra Algorithm?

  • Perform Dijkstra's algorithm starting from node A.
  • Draw the shortest-path tree for the result.
  • Watch the path to node K. Walk along the nodes and perform the algorithm for each node.
  • Is the routing information along the path consistent (i.e. each node will use the same link as originally calculated starting from node A)?

Now at first step, create a table with all members of the "network" and write in these three factors:
Node, Parent & Distance.
From node A the parent is nothing = { }. Also the distance = 0.
Then go to the nodes next to A, node B:
The parent of node B is A, and the distance from B to A is 3.
Now to the next node -> node E, ... and so on.
Do this recursiv, if one parent has a lower distance, write the parent node with the lower distance in the table, instead of the one with the higher distance.
In the end, the table looks like this:
Through this table you can get the shortest path, which you can see in the following picture:

shortest path=11

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